Monday 4 May 2015

Press coverage!

The Independent candidates have received some coverage in the local press. The following was published in the the North Somerset Mercury on page 25 and a shorter version was published in the North Somerset Times on page 18. 

"Independent candidates in Nailsea believe the town has been given second class status over recent years compared to the other major towns in North Somerset. For example Weston Super Mare has received £150 million pounds from public and private finance, in Portishead Parish Wharf has undergone major refurbishment, the town has had a new Library, a new youth club, all the facilities Nailsea has been desperately crying out for over many years.

The four Nailsea Independent candidates are not affiliated to any political group and all of our individual manifestos differ, however we all are in agreement regarding a number of issues relating to Nailsea, so we all agree with the eight pledges below:

•    Major upgrade to Scotch Horn Leisure Centre to include a swimming pool, library, fitness centre, youth club, police hub and other facilities. Scotch Horn should have priority over Hutton Moor receiving a second swimming pool, which is the current proposal.
•    Ensure all Nailsea car parks remain free and are not used for development.
•    Retaining green and wooded amenity areas and the green oasis and character in and around Nailsea.
•    Provide more affordable housing in the town so that younger people can afford to live and work locally. Improve employment capability within the town.
•    Support the reduction of North Somerset Life propaganda and redeploy the savings into council services.
•    Support the principle of every district councillor serving on a planning committee, which was recently scrapped. Support the abolition of the existing expensive executive structure and devolve more decision making to committees.
•    Invest £45 million pounds upgrading our highways and pavements properly, not wasting money on poor temporary pot hole patching.
•    Improving disabled access at Nailsea and Backwell station, especially the installation of a new ramp. Greater emphasis on improving public transport for pedestrians."
I [Sarah] don't have either paper and cannot find the articles online but will try and find someone who hasn't put the papers in the recycling yet and scan the articles.

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